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Ask Away

Will the Lash Extensions Ruin My Natural Lashes?

No, Lashing Out Studio uses an adhesive not a glue, that has been developed with the highest standards of safety and quality. The extensions are applied 1 mm away from the lash base to ensure there is no pinching. As the natural lash sheds the extensions sheds with it.

What Does Relash Mean?

A relash is done every few weeks to make sure you maintain the look Lashing Out Studio has created for you. A relash usually takes less an hour, Appling new extensions to the newest lashes to replace those that have shed.

What if I Don’t Want the Lash Extensions Anymore?

There are 2 options, the first is you can wait for the extensions to shed with the growth cycle of the natural lash or you can make an appointment to have us remove them for you with a safe lash adhesive remover.

Do Lash Extensions Hurt?

No, the application process is painless and most clients use the time to nap.

Ask Away: FAQ
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